{% if app['conf'].get(['registry', 'general', 'personalize-logo-choice', 'logoChoice']) == 'personalize' and
app['conf'].get(['registry', 'general', 'personalize-logo-choice', 'personalizeFile']) == 'true' %}
{% set extension = app['conf'].get(['registry', 'general', 'personalize-logo-choice', 'fileType']) %}
{% set personalise_path = '/custom/minilogos/personalize_logo.' ~ extension %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if module is defined and module != "lightbox" and app.getAuthenticator().isAuthenticated() %}
{{ 'admin::monitor: production' | trans }}
{% if app['browser'].isNewGeneration and app['conf'].get(['registry', 'modules', 'thesaurus']) == true and app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_access_to_module('thesaurus') %}
{{ 'admin::monitor: module thesaurus' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{# MODULE #}
{% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_access_to_module('admin') %}
{{ 'admin::monitor: module admin' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{# MODULE #}
{% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_access_to_module('report') %}
{{ 'admin::monitor: module report' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{# MODULE #}
{{ 'admin::monitor: module validation' | trans }}
{# MODULE #}
{% if module is defined and module == "prod" %}
{% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_access_to_module('upload') %}
{% set link = path('upload_html5_form') %}
{% if not app['browser'].supportFileAPI() %}
{% set link = path('upload_flash_form') %}
{% endif %}
{{ 'admin::monitor: module upload' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# MODULE #}
{% if module == "prod" %}
{{ 'Publications' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{% if module is defined and module == "prod" and app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).has_right(constant('\\ACL::ORDER_MASTER')) %}
- {{ 'Commandes' | trans }} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if app.getAuthenticator().isAuthenticated() %}
{% if app.getAuthenticatedUser().isGuest %}
{{ 'Guest' | trans }} {% else %}
{{ app.getAuthenticatedUser().getDisplayName() }} {% endif %}
{{ 'phraseanet:: deconnection' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{{ 'phraseanet:: aide' | trans }}
{% if module is defined and module == "prod" %}
{{ 'phraseanet:: raccourcis clavier' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{% if app.getAuthenticatedUser().isGuest %}