{% extends "common/index_bootstrap.html.twig" %} {% block icon %}
{% endblock %} {% block rss %} {% endblock %} {% block stylesheet %}
{% endblock %} {% block javascript %} {% include "common/templates.html.twig" %} {# note: Tinymce must be include here without minify else URL resolution for tinymce plugins will fail #} {##} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% include 'admin/tree.html.twig' %}
{% if notice %}
{% if notice == "install_success" %} {% trans %}Successful install{% endtrans %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ 'Adresse email du nouvel utilisateur' | trans }}
{{ "Send an email to the user to setup his password" | trans }}
{{ "Require email validation to activate the account" | trans }}
{{ 'Nom du nouveau modele' | trans }}
{% endblock %}